Fifth graders have spent the last two weeks learning about the history and importance of Veterans Day. They read the book America's White Table by Margot Theis Raven and Mike Beeny. Students set up a white table to honor our veterans and added the names and pictures of veterans they knew. They learned about Danny Perterson and walked over to look at the mural painted in his memory. Fifth graders were excited to be able to go to the parade on November 11th to show their support. Thank you to all our Veterans!
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
5th gr
5th gr
5th gr
5th gr
Fifth graders have spent the last two weeks learning about the history and importance of Veterans Day. They read the book America's White Table by Margot Theis Raven and Mike Beeny. Students set up a white table to honor our veterans and added the names and pictures of veterans they knew. They learned about Danny Perterson and walked over to look at the mural painted in his memory. Fifth graders were excited to be able to go to the parade on November 11th to show their support. Thank you to all our Veterans!
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
5th gr
5th gr
5th gr
5th gr
Today, Dr. Nikki Meerpohl presented to our little Wildcats about the importance of keeping our eyes healthy by going to the eye doctor. She explained that some people need help seeing up close and some people need help seeing at a distance. If people have difficulty seeing, eye doctors can help us by giving us different lenses that help us see better. Dr. Meerpohl also showed the students an eye chart that we might read with numbers, letters, or pictures when we come see the eye doctor. That information helps the eye doctor determine how well we can see things. She explained the iris part of the eye and then had the students look at a classmate's eyes to determine the color. Then she demonstrated how the pupil part of the eye functions by using a flashlight. Dr. Meerpohl also read, "Maisy Goes to the Eye Doctor" to the students which is always a big hit! Thank you, Dr. Meerpohl and all of our doctors, physician's assistants, specialists, etc. who help all of us with our health and well-being. All of you are constantly serving others!
about 2 months ago, Karla Tanking
Dr. Meerpohl 2
Dr. Meerpohl 3
Dr. Meerpohl 4
Dr. Meerpohl 5
Dr. Meerpohl 5
Dr. Meerpohl  demonstrating with student
Dr. Meerpohl  demonstrating with student
Dr. Meerpohl 6
Dr. Nikki Meerpohl 1
The Holton High School Choir Department is pleased to announce the upcoming production of Footloose the Musical! Show dates are as follows: November 14th @ 7PM November 15th @ 7PM November 16th @ 7PM Tickets can be purchased at the door (sorry, your passes will not work for this event): $4 for students $6 for adults Come support your fellow students and peers who have put so much time and effort into this show. It's sure to be a fun, groovin' and foot tapping time! You won't want to miss it!
about 2 months ago, Brandon Giltner
Congratulations to the Holton JV & Varsity Scholars Bowl Teams as both teams earned place at the Valley Falls Scholars Bowl Tournament on Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Great Job Wildcat Scholars!
about 2 months ago, Brandon Giltner
VF Scholars Bowl Tourney
VF Scholars Bowl Tourney
VF Scholars Bowl Tourney
VF Scholars Bowl Tourney
Today, November 12, Nikki Jenner from Denison State Bank spoke to our little Wildcats at Holton Early Learning (PreK) about the importance of saving money. Nikki explained how there are many jobs at a bank and that she is responsible for opening accounts. She talked about the difference between a checking and a savings account. She also showed the kids all the different coins and explained how much each coin was worth. She told them about bank accounts and putting their money in the bank to keep it safe. She even gave each student a piggy bank to take home! To finish, she read the book, "Curious George Saves His Pennies" and one little boy excitedly responded, "That was a GREAT book!" What a wonderful way to blend reading with the life lesson of saving money. Thank you, Nikki and all of our bankers, cashiers, managers, investors, accountants, etc. who help us budget, manage, and save -- definitely exemplifying having "helpful hands and helpful hearts."
about 2 months ago, Karla Tanking
Nikki explaining coins
Nikki reading "Curious George Saves His Pennies"
Morning Classes
Nikki explaining coins
Afternoon Classes
On Monday morning, November 11, Spencer Baum (a.k.a Bennett's dad) and Lucas Lovvorn presented to our young Wildcat learners at Holton Early Learning Center. They explained to the students how they mostly remodel kitchens. They showed them the tools in their tool belt: hammer, tape measure, screwdriver, square, and level. They explained what each tool did and that they carry them in their tool belts because they are the tools they use the most. Afterward, they took the students outside and let them use a tool -- hammering nails into a board. Then they let the students walk through their trailer to see all of their bigger tools. Thank you, Spencer and Lucas, for taking some time to spend with our young Wildcats to share how you help our community. We have many construction workers throughout our community performing amazing work for others -- another wonderful service.
about 2 months ago, Karla Tanking
Lucas Lovvorn and Spencer Baum
Demonstrating with two little helpers
Little Wildcats hamming
Little Wildcats hamming 2
still hammering
Two more little helpers
We have construction workers in the future.
11th & 12th graders from all of the Jackson County schools got together today for Adulting Day at Holton High School. We would like to thank all the presenters today for making it a success.
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Ninth and tenth graders from all Jackson County schools gathered today at Royal Valley High School for Career Day. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the presenters for making the event a success.
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Ninth and tenth graders from all Jackson County schools gathered today at Royal Valley High School for Career Day. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the presenters for making the event a success.
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
11th & 12th graders from all of the Jackson County schools got together today for Adulting Day at Holton High School. We would like to thank all the presenters today for making it a success.
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Adulting Day
Come and support our Holton Elementary PTO tonight for Bingo Night
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
PTO - spanish
Nov 5th, Mrs. Schuetz's Class had a guest reader. Laura, a corn farmer from western Kansas, was able to use Zoom to read a book about corn. She also talked about her role as a corn farmer and shared videos of how she uses her combine to harvest corn. In addition to that, each kid will get a copy of the book she read to take home and share with their family. This opportunity was made possible by an organization called CommonGround. CommonGround is a national movement of farm women who want to share information about farming and the food we grow. CommonGround Kansas is brought to you by the farmers of the Kansas Corn Commission and the Kansas Soybean Commission.
about 2 months ago, Ginger Binkley
1st Grade
1st Grade
1st Grade
It’s a great day to be a WILDCAT! Congrats to these FFA Leaders on an outstanding day at the NE District FFA Leadership Development Events in Hoyt. We have two teams qualified for State FFA Convention in Manhattan next May! 2024 NE District FFA Leadership School 🏆1st Place Overall Senior Chapter Division🏆 🏆1st Place Parliamentary Procedure🏆 💪State Qualifier - Kansas FFA Parliamentary Procedure LDE💪 Chapter Par Law Team Members 👉Lora Larison - Chair, Madeline Bontrager - Secretary, Addison Bontrager, Tinsley Bradley, Lane Pruett, Wyatt Shields 🥇Madeline B - 1st Place Test Medalist 🏅Lora L - 4th Place Test Medalist ⭐️Tinsley B and Addison B - Tie for 8th Place Chapter FFA Officer Team 👉Lora Larison - President, Madeline Bontrager - Vice President, Addison Bontrager - Secretary 👉Dylan Anderson - Treasurer, Lane Pruett - Reporter, Adalyn Bartels- Sentinel 🏆1st Place FFA Rituals/Opening Ceremonies 🥇Lora L - Master President Award 🏆1st Place FFA Leadership Information ⭐️Addison B - 8th Place 2024 NE District FFA Leadership School 🏆1st Place Overall Greenhand A Team Division🏆 💪State Qualifier - Kansas FFA Freshmen Conduct of Meetings LDE💪 👉Julieann Bontrager - President, Lillian Stous - Vice President, Tristan Schlodder - Secretary 👉Camden Schuster - Treasurer, Jake Segenhagen - Reporter, Mikah Boell-Shields - Sentinel 🏆1st Place Team, Parliamentary Procedure 🏆2nd Place Team, FFA Rituals/Opening Ceremonies 🏆1st Place Team, Parliamentary Procedure and Officer Responsibilities Test 🥇Julie B - 1st Place Medalist 🥉Camden S - 3rd Place Medalist ⭐️Jake Segenhagen - 6th Place Good luck to this crew at state! Thank you to Royal Valley for hosting and all of the judges for volunteering their time today! #weareholton #tradition
about 2 months ago, Brandon Giltner
Holton FFA
Did you know that 3 out of 5 people are eligible to donate blood but only 3 our to 100 actually do. Your red blood cells could be a liveline to someones future. The FFA is Hosting a Blood Drive from 11-4 tomorrow in the JV Gym and we still have many open slots for donors. Contact Maddy Bontrager, Lora Larison, or Mr. Larison to schedule an appointment 11 AM to 5 PM in the JV GYM. Students need a photo ID to donate and students 16 years old need a parent permission form which is available in the HS office or in the ag room. Thank you for considering saving a life! Community is invited to donate as well, appointments preferred, but walk in slots available.
about 2 months ago, Brandon Giltner
We love our Veterans! Happy Veterans' Day to all that served and to all that are currently serving!!
about 2 months ago, Jeremy Truelove
Congratulations to the Holton Varsity Scholars Bowl Team as they placed 3rd at the Horton Scholars Bow Tournament on Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Great Job Wildcat Scholars!
about 2 months ago, Brandon Giltner
Horton Scholars Bowl Tourney
Horton Scholars Bowl Tourney
On Thursday, November 7, Ashley Reinecke, shared her expertise and knowledge as a nurse practitioner. She has been providing excellent care and education among our community members over the course of many years. It is obvious that she loves to serve our community within the health care profession both at Holton Hospital and at various educational settings giving presentations. She also gave short demonstrations of how the heart pumps blood throughout our system; how the heart valves open and shut which makes that "beating sound"; and so many more! Not only did she do that, but she also gave a few demonstrations using puppets. She even handed out small oranges (already peeled) so the students could snack on something healthy while she talked about eating good food to fuel the body. Needless to say, the students were engaged and curious. Ashley did an amazing job representing the nursing profession and providing another example of our community members having "helpful hands and helpful hearts." Thank you, Ashley, and to all of our healthcare nursing professionals for your continuous care and acts of kindness.
about 2 months ago, Karla Tanking
Morning Classes
Afternoon Classes
Demonstration of the heart pumping blood through our bodies
Showing the heart chambers
Pain Chart
Small intestine
"Puppet Nurse is having the patient describe his symptoms."
"Puppet Doctor will see the patient now!"
Our Holton Early Childhood students were blessed to have another speaker having "helpful hands and helpful hearts." Jeremy and Nicole Becker (a.k.a. Camden's parents) talked to our students about the importance of farmers and how they provide food for us to eat. Jeremy explained and showed pictures of the process including fertilizing the land, planting the seed in the fields, spraying the crops to kill the weeds, and then harvesting in the fall. He also explained all the different types of uses that corn and soybeans provide us. The highlight of the day is when the auger pushed out CANDY! :) Thank you, Jeremy and Nicole Becker, for representing the farmers of our community and demonstrating how extremely important farming is to our survival. We really like to eat! :)
2 months ago, Karla Tanking
Feeding a calf on the farm.
Jeremy & Nicole Becker
Helping pick up trash
Jeremy and Camden share about the harvest.
Jeremy, Nicole, and Camden Becker
Congratulations to both the JV & Varsity Scholars Bowl teams as they both earned 1st Place at the Jeff West Scholars Bowl Tournament yesterday! Great Job Wildcat Scholars!
2 months ago, Brandon Giltner
JW Scholars Bowl Tourney
JW Scholars Bowl Tourney
JW Scholars Bowl Tourney
JW Scholars Bowl Tourney